Two important networks of Catholic higher education institutions joined the fabric that Uniservitate has been shaping in its commitment to promote the development of solidarity service-learning: the Organisation of Catholic Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (ODUCAL, in its Spanish acronym) and the International Association of La Salle Universities (IALU).
In the framework of the V Global Symposium Uniservitate, held in Rome on 7th and 8th November last, representatives of both institutions signed agreements with CLAYSS-Uniservitate authorities with whom they have been talking and meeting for several months. These are cooperation agreements on issues of common interest related to the promotion of the pedagogical approach of service-learning in Catholic higher education.
“I thank Uniservitate for this possibility to continue making synergy between networks. We all have a common heart, a common vision, common values and this is the beginning of a work that continues to move forward. The best is yet to come,” said Rodolfo Gallo Cornejo, president of ODUCAL, after signing the agreement.
Diana Lorea Rodríguez, associate director of IALU, highlighted the coherence that this alliance implies with the identity and mission of Catholic universities. She added: “We are very excited to be able to collaborate and, above all, to accompany each other”.
These alliances strengthen those that Uniservitate already has with other international associations and entities such as the Global Compact on Education, Scholas Ocurrentes, the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) and the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU). Paula Basílico, coordinator of Uniservitate’s membership programme, affirmed that “in the spirit of Uniservitate, we want these links to generate more spaces for synergistic meetings and reflection between institutions and the promotion of service-learning in solidarity as a tool for carrying out the social mission of the Church in Catholic.