Online with free access (prior registration required)
A certificate of participation will be available.
We invite you to be part of a global and multicultural meeting that brings together participants and specialists from 5 continents. The second edition of the Global Symposium Uniservitate is a new opportunity to share experiences, research, reflect and debate on the pedagogy of service-learning, its spiritual dimension and its contribution to the identity and mission of Higher Education institutions.
Researchers, authorities, educators and students from more than 30 universities and educational institutions from around the world will gather to work together for the same goal: to promote an integral education according to the challenges of our time, empowering young people as agents of social change with an impact on their community.
Join us!
María Nieves Tapia, Director of CLAYSS
María Rosa Tapia, Coodinator of UNISERVITATE
Isabel Capeloa Gil, Rector of Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Richard Brosse, Portfolio Manager “Vital Catholic Thought”, Porticus
A certificate of participation will be available.
The schedule above is in “Argentina local time (UTC-3) and Portugal local time (UTC+1)”, please check the time zone of your country/city here:
Moderator: Luis Arocha (Uniservitate-CLAYSS, Argentina)
Moderator: Luísa Mota Ribeiro (UCP-Portugal).
Moderator: Yolanda Ruiz Ordoñez (Director of the Scholas Occurrentes Chair, Catholic University of Valencia, Spain).
Please note: the Roundtables will be held on the ZOOM platform. All those registered for the Symposium will receive by e-mail the access links to participate in these activities.
DISCLAIMER: The times indicated correspond to the start of the broadcast on the YouTube channel or of the Zoom session corresponding to the round tables. All plenaries sessions can be watched on our YouTube channel after broadcasting.
All activities will have simultaneous interpretation into English, Spanish, French and Portuguese except for those expressly indicated.
Please note: the Roundtables will be held on the ZOOM platform. All those registered for the Symposium will receive by e-mail the access links to participate in these activities.
Moderator: Marlon Era (DLSU, Manila, Philippines).
Moderator: Marian Aláez Martínez (University of Deusto, Spain).
Moderator: Mariano García (Uniservitate-CLAYSS, Argentina)
DISCLAIMER: The times indicated correspond to the start of the broadcast on the YouTube channel or of the Zoom session corresponding to the Round Tables. All plenaries sessions can be watched on our YouTube channel after broadcasting.
All activities will have simultaneous interpretation into English, Spanish, French and Portuguese except for those expressly indicated.
ACCU, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities; Boston College, USA
See presentationThe Jubilee Center for Character and Virtues, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
See presentationThe following are the abstracts and academic posters selected to be presented during the Symposium. The papers are organized according to the following axes of content:
Carvalho, Mgr. José Ornelas | Bishop of Setúbal and President of the Portuguese Bishops’ Conference
Guterres, António | Secretary General of the United Nations
Brosse, Richard | PORTICUS
Tapia, María Nieves | Director of the Latin American Centre for Learning and Solidarity Service – CLAYSS
Capeloa Gil, Isabel | Rector of Universidade Católica Portuguesa and President of the International Federation of Catholic Universities – IFCU
Aláez, Marian | Universidad de Deusto
Arocha, Luis | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Bonnet, Maria Paquita | De La Salle University
Bouwman, Beatrix | North-West University
Brok, Ulrike | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Correia, Maria José | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Dias, Paulo | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Doroftei, Alexandra | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Fontana Venegas, Roció Paz | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Furco, Andrew —University of Minnesota
Gargantini, Daniela | Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Gherlone, Laura | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Gil da Costa, Helena | Universidad Católica Portuguesa
Humphrey McCrabb, Barbara | United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Herrero, Alejandra | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Jouannet, Chantal | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Kearney, Tom Rev. Br. | University of Tangaza
López Villarreal, Leticia Ivonne | Universidad de Monterrey
Martínez Marín, Miquel | Universitat de Barcelona
Martínez Odría, Arantzazu | Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza
Mota Ribeiro, Luísa | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Oliveira, Ana | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Peixoto, Ricardo | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Peregalli, Andrés | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Pete, Judith | University of Tangaza
Pereira de Almeida, José Manuel | Universidad Católica Portuguesa
Pushpalatha, Mercy | United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
Queiroz e Melo, Rodrigo | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Reynders, Kathia | Catholic University of Leuven
Ribeiro, Célia | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Sawyer, Rebecca | Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities
Selvam, Sahaya | Marist International University College
Soares, Diana | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Standaert, Nicolas | Catholic University of Leuven
Tapia, María Nieves | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Tapia, María Rosa | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Tresca, Isabel | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Vasconcelos, Isabel | Universidad Católica Portuguesa
Wodka, Andrzej | Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (Vatican)
Arocha, Luis | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Batista, María Alejandra | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Barreto, Joana | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Caballero Sosa, Mónica | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Camaño, Agustina | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Correia, Maria José | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Dias, Paulo | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Doroftei, Alexandra | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
García, Mariano | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Gherlone, Laura | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Guerreiro, Catarina | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Mota Ribeiro, Luísa | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Oliveira, Ana | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Paiva e Pona, Rita | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Peregalli, Andrés | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario
Serrano, Adriano | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Tapia, María Rosa | CLAYSS Coordinadora UNISERVITATE
Vidal, Ana | Universidade Católica Portuguesa