IV Global Symposium Uniservitate

Transformative Service-Learning: cultivating student engagement

De La Salle University, Manila, Philipines

8th and 9th November 2023

in-person and online

The IV Uniservitate Global Symposium explored the concept of transformative solidarity service-learning (SSL) as a powerful educational approach fostering student engagement, community partnerships, and spiritual reflection for social change. Through these key elements, SSL offers a holistic approach to integral education that benefits students and has long-standing results on communities and society.

The context of the Philippines entails an opportunity to highlight the multicultural nature of the Uniservitate Global Symposia, strengthening the focus on reflective spirituality and networking, core pillars for this second stage of the Uniservitate global programme.

 Students, professors, researchers, community partners and specialists from the five continents shared experiences and discussions during these two days, focusing on different themes regarding solidarity service-learning: student protagonism, community partnerships and transformative spirituality.


Letter from Pope Francis to the participants in the IV Uniservitate Global Symposium

Day 1
Location: Verdure, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, De La Salle University 
Emcee: Ms. Candice Perez, Assistant Principal for Senior High School, DLSU Integrated School

Opening Session – Live Streamed

English Live Streaming





Spanish Live Streaming 




Moderator: Mr. Juanito Alcazar, Director, COSCA 

9:00 AM – 9:10 AM 

National Anthem & Ecumenical Prayer

DLSU Chorale 

9:10 AM – 9:15 AM

Welcome Remarks- DLSU 

Br. Bernard S. Oca FSC

President, De La Salle University 

9:15 AM – 9:20 AM

Remarks from Porticus

Dr. Richard Brosse

Portfolio Manager Vital Catholic Thought, Porticus 

9:20 AM – 9:25 AM 

Remarks from CLAYSS-Uniservitate 

Prof. Maria Nieves Tapia

Founder and Director, Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario (CLAYSS) 

9:25 AM – 9:30 AM

Remarks from IFCU

Prof. Isabel Capeloa Gil

Rector, Universidade Católica Portuguesa & President, International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) 

9:30 AM – 9:40 AM 

Remarks from the Representative of the Church 

Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education

Plenary Session – Live Streamed

English Live Streaming





Spanish Live Streaming 




9:40 AM – 10:10 AM 



Nurturing Transformative Service-Learning Experiences to Create Sustainable Social Change

Ms. Maria Rosa Tapia, 


Coordinator Uniservitate Programme, CLAYSS.

10:10 AM – 10:30 AM 

Coffee Break 

Panel Discussion – Live Streamed 

English Live Streaming





Spanish Live Streaming 




“The Voice of the Youth: Student Engagement for Social Change” Video Message

Moderator: Ms. Marietta Guanzon, Service-Learning Specialist, DLSU COSCA

10:30 AM – 11:30 AM 

Transformative Service-Learning: Cultivating Student Engagement for Social Change and Quality Education

Dr. Andrew Furco, 


Member, Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board, Professor and Associate Chair, Dept. of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development

Director, International Center for Research on Community Engagement

Dr. Matthew Pink, 


Associate Director, ACU Engagement, Australian Catholic University 

Mr. Thomas Nyawir 


Founder and CEO of Mirror of Hope Community Based Organization

Alumnus of Tangaza University College

Ms. Ann Chen 


Student, Fu Jen Catholic University

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Reaction and Q&A


Dr. Carina Rossa, 

Università LUMSA di Roma – Scuola di Alta Formazione EIS

LUNCH BREAK (12:00 PM  – 1:30 PM) 

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM 

CONCURRENT SESSION: Student Engagement 

Concurrent Session 1. Student Engagement Live Streamed 

English Live Streaming





Spanish Live Streaming 




MODERATOR: Dr. Anne Richie Balgos, Faculty, Department of Literature, College of Liberal Arts, De La Salle University

Venue: Verdure, 4th Floor,  Henry Sy Sr. Hall, DLSU

Examining the Impact of a Primary Physical Education Service-Learning Project for Different Stakeholders


Dr. Abbe Brady, Ms. Laura Davies & Ms. Melina Healy – St Mary’s University, United Kingdom 

Transformative Service Learning in Rural Uganda


Susan L. O’Rourke, EdD & Aimee Zellers, PhD – Carlow University, United States of America

Service for Whom?: Service Learning challenges during the lockdown in typhoon-prone rural communities in the Philippines


Julie Lucille del Valle, PhD & Maria Luz T. Badiola, PhD – Ateneo de Naga University, Philippines

The Historical Integration of Service Learning in the Ateneo de Manila Undergraduate Curriculum


Leland Joseph R. Dela Cruz – Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

Concurrent Session 2. Protagonismo Estudiantil 

Spanish Live Streaming https://youtube.com/live/42VW0rjc7Mw?feature=share 


MODERATOR: Dr. Andres Peregalli,  Vice Coordinator Uniservitate Programme (CLAYSS) / Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

VENUE: ITEO Room, 4th Floor, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, DLSU

Service and Learning as a Qualification Tool for University Extension in Brazil


João Elton de Jesus – Catholic University of Pernambuco, Brazil 

Contribución a los ODS y la formación del estudiantado: experiencias de Aprendizaje Servicio (A+S) de instituciones de Educación Superior Católicas en América Latina y El Caribe


José Ignacio Sepúlveda Maulén, Rocio Fontana Venegas & Chantal Jouannet Valderrama – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

Materias de inmersión Social, el Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario como componente integral de la Trayectoria de Formación y Acción Social en la Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México


María José Minakata Quiroga, Rocío Cos Garduño & Ángeles Eugenia López Herrera – Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, Mexico 

La Voz de los jóvenes sobre el futuro de la educación en el Pacto educativo global y el Aprendizaje-Servicio


Carina Rossa, Irene Culcasi & Maria Cinque – Universidad LUMSA de Roma, Italy

Concurrent Session 3. Student Engagement 


MODERATOR: Dr. Kimberley Migallos, Chair, Department of Educational Leadership and Management, Br. Andrew Gonzalez College of Education, De La Salle University

VENUE: Y605, Yuchengco Hall, DLSU 

Service Learning in Civic Engagement: The New School of Transformation and Sustainability at KU EICHSTÄTT-INGOLSTADT


Maria Müller-Pulsfuß, Christiane Hoth de Olano & Prof. Dr. Simone Birkel – Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU), Germany

Integration of Service-Learning (SL) in a Rigid Curriculum: Envisioning Meaningful Educational Reforms in Uganda


Angella Beatrice Nalwanga – University of Kisube, Uganda

Transformative Service-Learning Pedagogy in Chemistry Curriculum through Food Analysis


Akshara R. K., Hinduja T., Suvethaa R., Jayanthi Kalaivani G., and Sridevi V – Lady Doak College, India 

Using Service-Learning in Promoting Awareness about Soil-Transmitted Helminths among Children in Barangay 704, Manila 


Marietta P. Guanzon – De La Salle University, Philippines

Concurrent Session 4. Student Engagement 


MODERATOR: Ms. Angelique Blasa-Cheng, Faculty, Department of Management and Organization, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University

Venue: Y607, Yuchengco Hall, DLSU  

Student Leadership and Empowerment in Service-Learning: Exploring the Transformative Power of Service Learning 


Sandi Boniface Wambua, Tangaza University College, Kenya

Teaching before, during, and after the pandemic: A collaborative autoethnography of college educators teaching service-learning courses


Raymond Allan G. Vergara, Angelique C. Blasa-Cheng & Kimberly Christie S. Vergara – De La Salle University, Philippines 

Student Reflections on Decent Work and Economic Growth: Unveiling the Role of Service- Learning as a Pedagogy in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8


Mr. Niku Vicente – De La Salle University, Philippines & Ms. Annadel Sapugay – Conservation International-Philippines

Making use of CISID Framework in the Design of electronic-Service-Learning Engagements: An Ateneo Development Studies Program Experience


Mark Anthony D. Abenir, DSD – Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines 

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM 

Coffee Break 

Panel Discussion – LIVE STREAMED

English Live Streaming





Spanish Live Streaming 




“The Voice of the Youth: Community Partnership for Social Change” Video Message

Moderator: Dr. Maria Paquita Diongon-Bonnet, RVR College of Business, De La Salle University

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Transformative Service-Learning: Cultivating Community Partnership for Social Change

Dr. Howard Rosing

Executive Director, Steans Center, ABCD Institute, DePaul University, Chicago, USA. 

Dra. Luisa Mota Ribeiro

Coordinator of CAps Project (Service-Learning in UCP), Director of the Research Centre for Human Development, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Ms. Chantal Jouannet Valderrama

Director, Center for Teacher Development, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Ms. Corazon Salvador

School Principal 1

Philippine National School for the Blind


Ms. Sheina Cadavos,

Guidance Counselor I,

Philippine National School for the Blind

4:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Reaction and Q&A


Ms. Maria Müller-Pulsfuß

Project coordinator and online lecturer JWL, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Solidarity Night 

Day 2 
Location: Verdure, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, De La Salle University 
Emcee: Ms. Candice Perez, Assistant Principal for Senior High School, DLSU Integrated School




9:00 AM – 10:30 AM 

CONCURRENT SESSION: Community Partnership

Concurrent Session 1. Community Partnership Live Streamed 

English Live Streaming





Spanish Live Streaming 




MODERATOR: Ms. Margarita Perdido, Director, Lasallian Mission Office for Laguna Campus, De La Salle University

Venue: Verdure, 4th Floor,  Henry Sy Sr. Hall, DLSU

From the Ground Up: Elevating Community Voices to Re-Examine Student Cultural Sensitivity and Adaptability in e-Service Learning (e-SL)


Mark Anthony D. Abenir, DSD – Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

«Colaborar» Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Community Partnerships in Service-Learning


Fernanda Goñi & Elisa Manríquez – Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile

Fostering Effective Cultural Competency in Service-Learning Partnerships: Lessons from Successful Cross-Cultural Collaborations between the Institute of Youth Studies and Prison Officers


Catherine Kisasa & Moses Mugambi – Tangaza University College, Kenya

An Exploration of the Remote Engagement Between Service Learning Students and a Community of Young Mothers: A Response to the Challenges in Service Learning During the Pandemic


Ainah Hanna Dumagsa, Nelson R. Janoras, Carmela Oracion& Jhoel P. Loanzon – Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

Concurrent Session 2. Alianza con la Comunidad 

Spanish Live Streaming https://youtube.com/live/QaYXlDA5b2k?feature=share 


MODERATOR: Dr. Andres Peregalli, Vice Coordinator Uniservitate Programme (CLAYSS) / Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Venue: Conference Room, 4th Floor, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, DLSU

Institucionalización del aprendizaje servicio en la educación superior católica: las reuniones regionales como estrategia


Candelaria Ferrara – Hubs coordinator Uniservitate programme, CLAYSS.



Francisca Del Valle Denegri & Rosa Vergara Marshall – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

The UNIMPACT Platform as a Connector between the University and Community Partners


João Elton de Jesus – Catholic University of Pernambuco, Brazil 

Concurrent Session 3. Community Partnership 


Moderator: Ms. Maricel Balatbat, Vice Chair, Department of Management and Organization, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University

Venue: ITEO Room, 4th Floor, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, DLSU

Service-Learning in the University of Santo Tomas: A Multiple-Case Studies From Academic Units’ Practices of Students to Partners


Froilan A. Alipao, MCD- University of Santo Tomas, Philippines

USJ and Caritas Macau – A Story of Community Engagement


Vitor Teixeira & Dominique Tyl S.J. – University of Saint Joseph, Macau SAR

Impact of Service-Learning Immersion Activities on the Perspective Transformation of SHS Students: An Insider’s Lens


Juan Kristopier D. Angeles & Frances Therese D. San Juan – Morong National High School – Senior High School, Philippines

Concurrent Session 4. Community Partnership 


Moderator: Dr. Teresa Camarines, Academic Coordinator for Christian Living and Values Education, DLSU Integrated School, De La Salle University

Venue: Y302, Yuchengco Hall, DLSU  

Engagements in the Eyes, Senses, and Perspectives of the Community (Pakikipagtuwangan sa mata, pandama at pananaw ng komunidad)


Jonathan Reginales & Syra Marie Norin Petalio – Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines 

Barangay Health Workers’ Perspectives on Strengthening Primary Health Care in the Municipality of Maragondon Province of Cavite through the Service-Learning Program


Melchor D. Vipinosa Jr. – De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute, Philippines & Noel D. Santander – San Beda University, Philippines 

Reciprocity in a School-University Partnership Project: Towards a Macau-based Give-Get Model 


Chu, Ka Wai (Tammy) – University of Saint Joseph, Macau SAR; Chi Kuan Mak – University of Saint Joseph, Macau SAR; Meng Hin Ng – The GEG Chinese Literacy Education and Research Project, Macau SAR; U Wa Wong – University of Saint Joseph, Macau SAR; Cheng Pui-wan – The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR; Tse, Po Man (Terry) – The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR; Ho, Wing Sze (Gloria) – The GEG Chinese Literacy Education and Research Project, Macau SAR. 

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM 

Coffee Break 

Panel Discussion – Live Streamed

English Live Streaming





Spanish Live Streaming 




“The Voice of the Youth: Spiritual Reflection for Social Change” Video Message

Moderator: Dr. Andrés Peregalli, Vice Coordinator Uniservitate Programme (CLAYSS) / Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Transformative Service-Learning: Cultivating Spiritual Reflection for Social Change

Br Michael Valenzuela, FSC


Uniservitate Book Author on Spirituality and Higher Education Perspective from Service-Learning & Animator, De La Salle University

Dr. Juan José Etxeberria, 


Rector, University of Deusto 

Br. Alejandro González Cerna FSC


Dean of Education, Bethlehem University

Dr. Mercy Pushpalatha, 


Member, Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Former Programme Consultant for the United Board for Christian Higher Education in South Asia

12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Reaction and Q&A


Dr. Susan O’Rourke

Professor, Special Education

Carlow University 

LUNCH BREAK (12:30 PM  – 2:00 PM) 

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

CONCURRENT SESSION: Spiritual Reflection 

Concurrent Session 1. Spiritual Reflection – Live Streamed 

English Live Streaming





Spanish Live Streaming 




MODERATOR: Dr. Fides del Castillo, Associate Dean, Office of the Vice President for Laguna Campus, Dean School of Innovation and Sustainability, De La Salle University

Venue: Verdure, 4th Floor,  Henry Sy Sr. Hall, DLSU

The Pastoral Circle as a Framework for Service Learning

Renato Dela Cruz – Miriam College, Philippines

Theology of DisArt: Service-Learning Experience


Yuliia Vintoniv, PhD – Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine

A Lasallian Method for Service-Learning Reflection and Discernment


Br. Alejandro González Cerna FSC – Bethlehem University, Palestine  

A Personal, Spiritual & Transformative Journey in Building a Community of Practice with Graduates from the Online De La Salle University Uniservitate Certificate in Service-Learning Training Program at One Australian University 


Dr. Isabelle Lys – Australian Catholic University, Australia

Concurrent Session 2. Reflexión Espiritual 

Spanish Live Streaming https://youtube.com/live/4AVGXATSPUA?feature=share 


Moderator: Dr. Andres Peregalli, Vice Coordinator Uniservitate Programme (CLAYSS) / Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Venue: Conference Room, 4th Floor, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, DLSU 

Una mirada sobre la notoriedad académica de la relación entre aprendizaje-servicio y espiritualidad


Ariane Díaz-Iso, Almudena Eizaguirre, Marian Alaez, Marta Roldan-Henao & María García-Feijoo – Universidad de Deusto, Spain

International Learning and Service Endeavor in Collaboration with Religious Entities in Brazil


João Elton de Jesus – Catholic University of Pernambuco, Brazil 

Purpose in Life in Higher Education: Is there a role for Service-Learning?


Luísa Mota Ribeiro, Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Porto, Portugal; Alexandra Doroftei,  Universidade do Porto, Portugal; Francisca Miranda Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Porto, Portugal; Paulo Dias, Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Braga, Portugal; Ricardo Peixoto, Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Braga, Portugal; Ana Oliveira, Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Lisboa, Portugal; Maria Correia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Viseu, Portugal; Pilar Aramburuzabala, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, España; Pedro Rosário, Universidade do Minho, Portugal; & Robert G. Bringle, Indiana University Indianapolis, USA

Exploring the Transformative Effects of Service-Learning on HEI Students within Gabriel Marcel’s Philosophical Framework on Communion


Jimi Caldea – De La Salle University, Philippines

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Coffee Break 


English Live Streaming





Spanish Live Streaming 




Moderator: Mr. Jimi Caldea, Uniservitate Asia and Oceania Program Coordinator

4:00 PM – 4:10 PM 

Closing Remarks – Coordinator of Uniservitate Programme -CLAYSS 

Ms. Maria Rosa Tapia, 

Coordinator Uniservitate Programme, CLAYSS

4:10 PM – 4:20 PM

Closing Remarks – Vice coordinator of Uniservitate Programme -CLAYSS 

Dr. Andrés Peregalli, 

Vice coordinator Uniservitate Programme (CLAYSS) / Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

4:20 PM – 4:30 PM

Closing Remarks – from the Students 

Mr. Alfonso Gabriel Solidum


Service-Learning Student, College of Science, De La Salle University 

4:30 PM – 4:40 PM 

Closing Remarks – DLSU 

Ms. Fritzie Ian De Vera 


Vice President for Lasallian Mission, De La Salle University 



Br. Bernard S. Oca FSC

President, De La Salle University  

Richard Brosse

Porticus, Países Bajos

María Nieves Tapia

Director of CLAYSS

Isabel Capeloa Gil

Rector of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), President of IFCU-FIUC, Portugal

María Rosa Tapia

Coordinator of Uniservitate-CLAYSS

see presentation

Andrew Furco

Universidad de Minnesota , EE.UU.

see presentation

Matthew Pink

Australian Catholic University, Australia

see presentation

Mr. Thomas Nyawir

Founder and CEO of Mirror of Hope Community Based Organization
Alumnus of Tangaza University College

see presentation

Ms Ann Chen

Student, Fu Jen Catholic University 

see presentation

Dr. Howard Rosing

Executive Director, Steans Center, ABCD Institute, DePaul University, Chicago, USA.  

see presentation

Dra. Luisa Mota Ribeiro

Professora Auxiliar, Universidade Católica Portuguesa  

see presentation

Chantal Jouannet Valderrama

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile

see presentation

Br Michael Valenzuela, FSC

Uniservitate Book Author on Spirituality and Higher Education Perspective from Service-Learning & Animator, De La Salle University 

see presentation

Dr. Juan José Etxeberria

Rector, University of Deusto  

Br. Alejandro González Cerna FSC

Dean of Education, Bethlehem University 

see presentation

Dr. Mercy Pushpalatha

Member, Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Former Programme Consultant for the United Board for Christian Higher Education in South Asia 

see presentation

Mr. Alfonso Gabriel Solidum

Service-Learning Student, College of Science, De La Salle University  

Ms. Fritzie Ian De Vera

Vice President for Lasallian Mission, De La Salle University

Corazón B. Salvador

Special School Principal I

see presentation


Ms. Marietta Guanzon

Service-Learning Specialist, DLSU COSCA 

Dr. Maria Paquita Diongon-Bonnet

RVR College of Business, De La Salle

Andrés Peregalli

Uniservitate-CLAYSS/UCA, Argentina

Mr. Jimi Caldea

Uniservitate Asia and Oceania Hub Coordinator 


Dr. Carina Rossa

Università LUMSA di Roma – Scuola di Alta Formazione EIS

Ms. Maria Müller-Pulsfuß

Project coordinator and online lecturer JWL, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Dr. Susan O’Rourke

Professor, Special Education
Carlow University


Transformative Service-Learning: cultivating student engagement, community partnership and spiritual reflection for social change

Here, we share a summary of the IV Uniservitate Global Symposium with our gratitude to all those who attended, in person and virtually and especially to those scholars who enriched it with their contributions, panel discussions and concurrent sessions. As Pope Francis expressed in the heartfelt letter sent on the occasion of this event, they kept alive “the enthusiasm (…) to serve the common good as missionary disciples, capable of bringing the transformative truth, beauty and joy of the Gospel to all in the human family, thus advancing God’s kingdom of fraternal solidarity, justice and peace.” 

The voices of youth

PANEL 1 Transformative Service-Learning: Cultivating Student Engagement for Social Change and Quality Education. 
In your experience, do you think SL is important for students in higher education? Why?
Students from higher education institutions that are part of the Uniservitate hubs shared their service-learning experience, around the three axes of discussion proposed for the IV Uniservitate Global Symposium: Student Commitment, Community Partnership and Spiritual Reflection. 

PANEL 2 : Transformative Service-Learning: Cultivating Community Collaboration for Social Change

In your experience, do you think SL is important for the community and for achieving social change? why? Why is it important to work together?

Students from higher education institutions that are part of the Uniservitate hubs shared their service-learning experience, around the three axes of discussion proposed for the IV Uniservitate Global Symposium: Student Commitment, Community Partnership and Spiritual Reflection. 

PANEL 3 : Transformative Service-Learning: Cultivating Spiritual Reflection for Social Change

Do you think SL accompanied your personal and spiritual growth by promoting a transformative spirituality? In what way?

Students from higher education institutions that are part of the Uniservitate hubs shared their service-learning experience, around the three axes of discussion proposed for the IV Uniservitate Global Symposium: Student Commitment, Community Partnership and Spiritual Reflection. 


  • Brosse, Richard | Porticus
  • Tapia, María Nieves | Director of the Latin American Center for Service-Learning – CLAYSS
  • Capeloa Gil, Isabel |  Rector of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and President of the International Federation of Catholic Universities – IFCU
  • Br. Bernard S. Oca FSC (PH) President, De La Salle University
  • María Rosa Tapia| CLAYSS Coordinator UNISERVITATE
  • Andrés Peregalli | CLAYYS Vice Coordinator UNISERVITATE
  • Candelaria Ferrara | CLAYSS Regional Hubs Coordinator UNISERVITATE
  • Milagros Dominici | CLAYSS Communication UNISERVITATE
  • Sebastián Villar| CLAYSS Senior UNISERVITATE
  • Fritzie Ian DeVera | De La Salle University, Vice President for Lasallian Mission 
  • Jimi Caldea | UNISERVITATE Asia and Oceania Regional Hub Coordinator, De La Salle University
  • Romina Eloisa Abuan | UNISERVITATE Programme Assistant Coordinator, De La Salle University
  • Juanito Alcazar | Director, Center for Social Concern and Action, De La Salle University 

Dra. Daniela Gargantini, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Researcher, CONICET, Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina

Dra. Arantzazu Martinez Odria, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Professor at Universidad San Jorge 

Dr. Miquel Martinez, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Professor at the University of Barcelona 

Dr. Leticia Ivonne López Villarreal, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Director of the Center for Solidarity and Philanthropy (Centro para la Solidaridad y la Filantropía), Universidad de Monterrey

Dr. Montserrat Alom, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board, Director of the Centre for International Research and Decision Support (CIRAD), International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) 

Dr. Sterling Miranda Plata, Associate Professor, Department of English and Applied Linguistics, De La Salle University 

Dr. Maria Cinque, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Full Professor  at LUMSA University

Dr. Ma. Lourdes Melegrito, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Management (DELM), Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education DLSU

Dr. Mary Jane Flores, Dean, College of Science at De La Salle University 

Dr. Mitzie Irene Conchada, Professor, School of Economics, De La Salle University

Dr. Dalmacito Cordero, Jr, Associate Professor at the Department of Theology and Religious Education, De La Salle University 

Dr. Fides del Castillo, Associate Dean of the School of Innovation and Sustainability, De La Salle University – Laguna  

Dr. Miao-Ju Chwo, Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Fu Jen Catholic University 

Ms. Marietta Guanzon, Service-Learning Specialist, Center for Social Concern and Action, De La Salle University

Dr. Riju Sharma, Director, International Relations and CDSI & Professor at the Department of Social Work, Assam Don Bosco University 

Dr. Maria Paquita Diongon-Bonnet, Associate Professor and Management and Organization Department Chair, College of Business, De La Salle University

Dr. Jennifer Azordegan, Manager, Community-Engaged Learning, Australian Catholic University

Dr. Doris L. W. Chang, Chair of the English Department & Associate Professor, Department of English Literature and Language, Fu Jen Catholic University 

Dr. Maria Victoria Tibon, Associate Professor, Management and Organization Department, Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University 

Prof. Andrew Furco, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Director, International Center for Research on Community Engagement, University of Minnesota

Ms. Barbara McCrabb, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Assistant Director, Secretariat of Catholic Education, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 

Beatrix Bouwman, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Director for Community Engagement, North West University 

Dr. Bojana Ćulum Ilić, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Education, University of Rijeka (UNIRi)

Fr. Andrzej Wodka CSSR, Professor of Biblical Ethics, Alphonsian Academy

Dr. Mercy Pushpalatha, Member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board & Former Programme Consultant for the United Board for Christian Higher Education in South Asia 

Mr. Jimi Caldea, Service-Learning Specialist & Uniservitate Asia and Oceania Regional Hub Coordinator

Ms. Fritzie Ian de Vera, Vice-President for Lasallian Mission, De La Salle University 

Dr. Andres Peregalli, General Vice Coordinator, CLAYSS-Uniservitate & Professor, Universidad Católica Argentina


Brosse, Richard | Porticus
Tapia, María Nieves | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje Servicio Solidario – CLAYSS
Francesco Bonini | Universidad LUMSA

Cinque, María | LUMSA
Rossa, Carina |LUMSA
Tapia, María Rosa | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS

Batista, María Alejandra | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Caballero Sosa, Mónica | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Cinque, María |LUMSA
García, Mariano | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Gherlone, Laura | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Insigna, Ricardo | LUMSA
Peregalli, Andrés | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Rossa, Carina | LUMSA