What is Uniservitate?

UNISERVITATE is the programme for the promotion of service-learning in Catholic Higher Education. We work to generate a systemic change through integral learnings and active commitment to the challenges of our time.

About Uniservitate


International research team and capacity building plans implemented in 7 regional hubs, strategically distributed around the world. 5 continents, 26 countries, 15 languages, 33 universities and educational institutions.

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Let’s learn from each other. Read and share local actions that are transforming the world.

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Regional Hubs

Uniservitate is a global network organised into seven regional hubs. Each of these is coordinated by a reference/leading institution in solidarity service-earning (SL) in the region. These institutions deepen their process of institutionalising SL, share it and at the same time accompany other universities in the same region (accompanied universities) in the same process. To this end, they offer them assistance, training, resources, monitoring and evaluation, among other actions. Each hub, in constant dialogue with the Uniservtate Coordination, promotes global and regional activities (such as research grants, awards and exchange and training meetings) and other benefits related to solidarity service-learning. It also strengthens regional exchange, knowledge production, communication of experiences and other initiatives aimed at disseminating and strengthening SL at regional and global level.

Supported institutions

Catholic higher education institutions that, through the Institution that coordinates the regional hub, receive training and technical assistance to promote the processes of institutionalisation of solidarity service-learning and the development of their respective practices within the framework of this pedagogy. They interact with the global network, participate in global and regional activities and have access to resources, research grants and other benefits for the promotion of service-learning.

Allied Institutions

They are institutions, federations, congregations or networks that act as strategic allies of the programme as they are linked to Uniservitate through common guidelines, orientations or global strategies at educational and/or ecclesial level. They contribute to disseminate the network and to reciprocally communicate their actions and guidelines related to solidarity service-learning and to develop joint initiatives in each region and at global level.

Member Institutions

Catholic higher education institutions or Catholic-inspired institutions that aspire to implement or strengthen service-learning practices and meet with interested colleagues from around the world. They have access to resources, training proposals, global and regional activities, research grants and other benefits related to service-learning.

Service-Learning IN THE WORLD

News & Events

Keep up-to-date with the latest developements and meetings to expand dialogue and think creatively the present and future of Higher Education.

How to Conduct Meaningful Research  in Solidarity Service-Learning

In the context of the call for applications for Small Research Grants (SRG) 2025-2026, Uniservitate [...]

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Uniservitate at the IARSLCE Asia-Pacific Conference

Members of the Uniservitate global community reunited in Hong Kong as panellists, presenters, moderators and [...]

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Asia and Latin America Forge Closer Ties

United by the Pacific Ocean and the Uniservitate global network, two Catholic universities implementing service-learning [...]

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How to Conduct Meaningful Research  in Solidarity Service-Learning

In the context of the call for applications for Small Research Grants (SRG) 2025-2026, Uniservitate [...]

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Uniservitate at the IARSLCE Asia-Pacific Conference

Members of the Uniservitate global community reunited in Hong Kong as panellists, presenters, moderators and [...]

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Asia and Latin America Forge Closer Ties

United by the Pacific Ocean and the Uniservitate global network, two Catholic universities implementing service-learning [...]

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Articles, publications, media and a full repository to inspire academic excellence and social engagement in Higher Education.

Featured publication

II Uniservitate Global Symposium Proceedings

This volume dedicated to the II Global Symposium Uniservitate, compiles the reflections and experiences shared in the virtual event held in October 2021. The meeting aimed to facilitate the exchange between specialists, authorities and teachers of Higher Education institutions from [...]

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Global news with the purpose of expanding dialogue and enriching the perspective of higher education.

II Uniservitate Global Symposium Proceedings

This volume dedicated to the II Global Symposium Uniservitate, compiles the reflections and experiences shared in the virtual event held in October 2021. The meeting [...]

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AfricaTangaza U (KE)

UCAC Yaoundé (CM)U of Kisubi (UG)Mwenge C U (TZ)Loyola U (CD)


Asia & OceaniaDe La Salle U (PH)

Assam Don Bosco (IN)Fu Jen U (TW)Australian C U (AU)


Central & Eastern EuropeCU Eichstätt (DE)

JP II U Lublin (PL)UCU L’viv (UA)Bethlehem U (PS)


Latin AmericaPUC Chile (CL)

PU Javeriana (CO)UC Pernambuco (BR)PUC Ecuador (EC)PUC Argentina (AR)


USA y Canada

Association ofCatholic Collegesand Universities


Western Europe NorthKU Leuven (BL)

KUL Association (BL)U dé Namur (BL)U C de Lille (FR)


Western Europe SouthU Deusto (ES)

St. Mary’s U (UK)U C Sacre Cuore (IT)U C Portugal (PT)