II Uniservitate Global Symposium Proceedings

Service-Learning, Integral Education
and Transformative Spirituality

October 28th and 29th, 2021

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This volume dedicated to the II Global Symposium Uniservitate, compiles the reflections and experiences shared in the virtual event held in October 2021. The meeting aimed to facilitate the exchange between specialists, authorities and teachers of Higher Education institutions from different cultural contexts worldwide, around university social commitment and service-learning practices and programs.

Chatper 1

Welcome Words

Chapter 2

Exploring the Spiritual Dimension of Service-Learning Pedagogy and its Contribution to the Spirituality of a Catholic University

Chapter 3

An Ecumenical, Interreligious and Humanistic Visión of the Spirituality of Fraternity and Service

Chapter 4

“Head, Heart and Hands.” Reflections on Service-Learning, Integral Education and Transformative Spirituality

Chapter 5

Institutional and Personal Spirituality: Contributions from a Spirituality of Fraternity and Service

Chapter 6

The Voice of Youth

Chapter 7

Closure II UNISERVITATE Global Symposium – October 29, 2021

Chapter 8

Appendix I – Round Tables for the Presentation of Papers Related to the Three Thematic Sections
(Corresponding to the First Day of The Symposium)

Chapter 9

Appendix II – Service-Learning, Integral Education and Transformative Spirituality (Corresponding
to the Second Day of the Symposium)

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