Winners of the Uniservitate 2024 Award

The second edition of the Uniservitate Award is a global recognition of the best solidarity service learning experiences in Catholic Higher Education worldwide that has its winners. In the last few weeks, each committee of the seven hubs has announced the winners of their respective regions. In November, the diplomas will be awarded during the V Global Symposium in Rome.

As each hub played a leading role during the competition, each region could choose their award winner celebration. The Southern Europe region did so at the end of June with a moving online ceremony held by the University of Deusto, the hub representative. In the coming weeks, every hub but Northern Europe will celebrate this special occasion, when the winners will be announced, and the opinion of the juries will be known, except Northern Europe, which will do so during the presentation of diplomas at the Symposium in November. Online and onsite presentations for special guests will take place in Africa (6th September), Latin America and the Caribbean (9th September) and in Asia and Oceania (25th September) hubs.


Award ceremony held by the University of DEUSTO

The Award is endowed with a share of €84,000 to the winners. A first and second prizes of €5,000 each and two special mentions of €1,000 each are awarded regionally. In addition, a coordinating professor and a student from the two winning experiences per region will travel to Rome to participate in the Symposium as part of the recognition.


The winners are the following:

Central and Eastern Europe & Middle East


  • Bacteria antibiotic resistance: a global challenge – local action, Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), Poland.
  • Language promotion in primary school, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.

Special Mentions:

  • Awareness: Pastoral Care in the Context of Festivals and Events, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.
  • Global Citizenship, Sustainability, and Service-Learning, Bethlehem University, Palestine.

Western Europe North


  • Surviving Memory in Postwar El Salvador, KU Leuven, Belgium.
  • Anthropology of hospitality and migration politics/Anthropology of communication and disability, UNamur, Belgium.

Special Mentions:

  • Law Bus, UC Lille, France.
  • Stronger networks, stronger clients and organizations, stronger (future) social educational care workers: everyone wins, Karel de Grote Hogeschool Antwerpen, Belgium.

Western Europe South


  • Ser Cuida(I)doso – Care(elder)ful, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal.
  • Programa de aprendizaje-servicio Sqeez&lift entre estudiantes de pregrado de fisioterapia y la comunidad de mujeres migrantes [Sqeez&lift service-learning programme between physiotherapy undergraduates and the community of migrant women], Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Spain.

Special Mentions:

  • Narrating development, weaving identity, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy.
  • El aprendizaje-servicio en los grados de educación infantil y educación primária: un compromiso entre la universidad y los agentes sociales [Service-learning in early childhood and primary education degrees: engagement between the university and social agents], Centro Universitario Sagrada Familia, Spain.



  •  Unlocking Prison Boundaries: Service-Learning Psychosocial Support to Prison Officers in Kenya, Tangaza University, Kenya.
  • Digital Innovative Skills Hub (DISH), Tangaza University, Kenya.

Special Mentions:

  • Never Drop the Mic, Mwenge Catholic University, Tanzania.
  • Bulungi Bwansi Service-Learning Programme, University of Kisubi, Uganda.

Asia & Oceania


  • Thomas More Law School pro bono legal service and education program, Australian Catholic University.
  • Project MAGKASAPI – MAGkasamang KAunlaran SA Pag-aaral at Paglalarong Intelektwal, De La Salle University, Philippines.

Special Mentions:

  • Project BANYUHAY: A Series of Capacity-Building Workshops for the Digital Storytelling of UGNAYIN National Indigenous Youth Network and Indigenous Youth, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines.
  • KaTUWAng program, University of San Agustin, Philippines.

USA & Canada


  • Uniting Heart Initiative, Sacred Heart University, USA.
  • Welcoming the Dear Neighbor, St. Catherine University, USA.

Special Mentions:

  • Essential Values of Diversity, Multiculturalism and Social Justice Program, Emmanuel School, USA.
  • The Health Equity Fellows, Dayton University, USA.

Latin America and the Caribbean:


  • Revelando Realidades: La exclusión Silenciada de la Comunidad Afrodescendiente en Tierra Bomba, Cartagena, Colombia [Revealing Realities: The Silenced Exclusion of the Afrodescendant Community in Tierra Bomba, Cartagena, Colombia], Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia.
  • Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional “San Pedro Valencia” [Professional Application Project ‘San Pedro Valencia’], Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, México.

Special Mentions:

  • Project Learning + Service en el Internado de Medicina Familiar [Learning + Service Project at the Family Medicine Internship], Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
  • Apoyo técnico a Acueductos Comunitarios del Suroccidente colombiano [Technical Support to Community Aqueducts in the Southwest of Colombia], Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia.
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