Winners of the Uniservitate Award 2024 received their diplomas in Rome

The diplomas of the second edition of the Uniservitate Award were presented on the second [...]

Students attended the V Global Symposium Uniservitate

Students and professors who carry out service-learning projects distinguished with the Uniservitate Award 2024 shared [...]

The Catholic University as a Gateway to New Forms of Learning

A group of 33 authorities of Catholic universities from 25 countries exchanged achievements and challenges [...]

Winners of the Uniservitate 2024 Award

The second edition of the Uniservitate Award is a global recognition of the best solidarity [...]

Congratulations, Barbara McCrabb!

The Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA) in the United States presented Barbara McCrabb with the [...]

Rectors from around the world shared achievements and challenges in SL

A virtual meeting with authorities from some twenty Catholic higher education institutions from the five [...]

Compendium of Latin American projects

The digital publication, produced by the Centro de Desarrollo Docente [teaching development centre] of the [...]

Trainer of Trainers in Service-Learning

During the second semester of 2023, the CLAYSS-Uniservitate Training team conducted the online course "Training [...]

Erasmus: A Project at the Service of the Reconstruction of Ukraine

Three Ukrainian universities are developing a project, which obtained Erasmus funding, to seek to respond [...]

Laura Rubio Award: Recognition to a Study by the Catholic University of Portugal on the Effects of Service-Learning

Students' Perceptions of Competences Developed and Changes in Life Purpose after Service-Learning Experiences has been [...]

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