The third Uniservitate Global Symposium was held at LUMSA University in Rome, Italy, on October 27th and 28th, 2022. It was free of charge and in person, with streaming in English, Spanish and Italian. 

Students, educators, researchers and experts from over 30 universities worldwide shared experiences and reflections on using the service-learning pedagogy to achieve the dream of being brothers and sisters. 

The event was coordinated by CLAYSS and Porticus and organised by Uniservitate and the LUMSA University in collaboration with the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) and the Australian Catholic University (ACU).

Concerning the Global Compact on Education, the third edition revolved around the following thematic areas: Dignity and human rights, Fraternity and cooperation, Technology and integral ecology, Peace and citizenship, and Cultures and religions. 

In addition, the meeting was the perfect opportunity to meet the protagonists of the winning experiences of the Uniservitate Award 2022, led by students, educators and solidarity-based communities. Therefore, it aims to promote solidarity-based humanism, develop the spiritual dimension of service and reinforce the identity and mission of Higher Education Institutions.

General Information

General Information

Online with free access (prior registration required)

A certificate of participation will be available.

Authorities, researchers, faculty body, and students of:

  • Institutions participating inUNISERVITATE program.
  • Catholic Higher Education institutions in general.
  • Public and private universities and other higher education institutions in general.
  • Continue the cycle of Symposiums of the UNISERVITATE Program as a multicultural, global, and plural setting on the contributions of service-learning pedagogyfor an integral/whole person education.
  • Discuss and research on the spiritual dimension of service-learning and its input to the identity and mission of Catholic Higher Education institutions.
  • Share service-learning experiences and institutionalization processes in Higher Education institutions.
  • Facilitate exchangesbetween specialists, authorities, faculty, and students from Higher Education institutions from different cultural contexts around the world on university social commitment and service-learning.

Preliminary Programme

The schedule above is in “Argentina local time (UTC-3) and Italy local time (UTC+2)”, please check the time zone of your country/city here:

Day 1 — Thursday, 27th October, 2022


* Opening 

Francesco Bonini, Rector, LUMSA.

Carmela Di Agresti, LUMSA.

Richard Brosse, Portfolio Manager Vital Catholic Thought, Porticus.

María Rosa Tapia, Uniservitate programme-CLAYSS.

Isabel Capeloa Gil, President, Internacional Federation of Catholic Universities-IFCU.

Card. José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education.

Moderator: Enrique Ochoa, Executive Director, CLAYSS.


* Discussion: Educating for Fraternity in Higher Education.

Presentation: Mons. Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi. Secretary, Dicastery for Culture and Education.

Presentation: María Nieves Tapia, Director, CLAYSS.

Moderator: Maria Cinque, LUMSA.


*Panel: A Christian, interreligious and humanist spirituality for service-learning

Carina Rossa, LUMSA, Rome, Italy.

Daniela Gargantini, Association of Jesuits Universities Entrusted to the Society of Jesus in Latin America-AUSJAL, Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board.

Fritzie Ian De Vera, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines.

Barbara MacCrabb, Catholic Conference of Bishops, Washington DC, USA, Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board.

Comments: Vincenzo Buonomo, Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome, Italy.

Moderator: Arantzazu Martínez Odría, San Jorge University, Valladolid, Spain. Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board.


*Concurrent sessions: Service-learning and Global Compact on Education 

Presentation of service-learning experiences


  1. Dignity and human rights.


  1. a) Tangaza University College-CUEA, Kenya
  2. b) Ukrainian Catholic University
  3. c) KU-Leuven, Belgium

Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil. 

Moderator: LUMSA.


  1. Fraternity and cooperation. 


  1. a) University of St. Thomas, USA. 
  2. b) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. 
  3. c) The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. 

Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy. 

Moderator: LUMSA.


  1. Technology and integral ecology


  1. a) Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale, Cameroon.
  2. b) LUMSA, Italy. 
  3. c) Assam Don Bosco University, India. 

Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education – Pontifical Xaverian University, Colombia

Moderator: LUMSA.


  1. Peace and citizenship.


  1. a) Ukrainian Catholic University
  2. b) Pontifical Xaverian University, Bogota, Colombia. 
  3. c) University of Barcelona

Comments: Specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Pontifical Lateran University, Italy. 

Moderator: LUMSA.


  1. Cultures and religions


  1. a) Tangaza University College-CUEA, Kenya. 
  2. b) Sophia University Institute, Italy
  3. c) Fordham University, USA. 

Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education:

 Sophia University Institute, Italy. 

Moderator: LUMSA.


  1. Workshop: Service-Learning and University Social Responsibility within the Newman framework (IFCU)


  1. Meeting of Rectors and authorities 

Day 2 — Friday, 28th October, 2022


*Concurrent sessions: Service-learning and Global Compact on Education 

Presentation of service-learning experiences 

  1. Dignity and human rights. 


  1. Australian Catholic University, Australia.
  2. University of Deusto, Spain. 
  3. University of Comillas, Spain

Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Silva Henríquez Catholic University, Chile. 

Moderator: LUMSA.

  1. Fraternity and cooperation. 
    a) San Jorge University, Spain.
    b) Catholic University of Portugal.
    c) Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. 

Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Ethiopian University, Ethiopia. 

Moderator: LUMSA.

  1. Technology and integral ecology. 
    a) Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
    b) atholic University of Córdoba, Argentina.
    c) De La Salle College of Saint Benilde, Manila, Philippines.

Comments: specialist of the Globa Compact on Education-Australian Catholic University, Australia. Está dañado el link (al clikear lo descarga sin abrirlo)

Moderator: LUMSA.

  1. Peace and citizenship.
    a) De Paul University, the USA.
    b) Tangaza University College-CUEA. Kenya

Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Boston College, USA.

Moderator: LUMSA.

  1. Cultures and religions.
    a) Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.
    b) University of Monterrey, Mexico.
    c) Bethlehem University, Palestine. 

Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education: Sophia University Institute, Italy. 

Moderator: LUMSA.

Workshop: Itinerary of a service-learning project in Catholic Higher Education. CLAYSS-Uniservitate

*Panel: From isolated experiences to institutional service-learning policies.

Winning experiences in Asia: Australian Catholic University.

Winning experiences in Africa: Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale, Cameroon.

Winning experiences in Western Europe: San Jorge University, Spain.

Winning experiences in Northern Europe: Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

Winning experiences in Western Europe: Ukrainian Catholic University.

Winning experiences in North America: University of St. Thomas, USA.

Winning experiences in Latin America: Catholic University of Córdoba, Argentina.

Moderator: Mariano García, Uniservitate-CLAYSS.

*Panel: Voices of Youth: regional winning experiences of the Uniservitate Award

Winning experiences in Asia: Australian Catholic University.

Winning experiences in Africa: Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale, Cameroon.

Winning experiences in Western Europe: San Jorge University, Spain.

Winning experiences in Northern Europe: Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

Winning experiences in Western Europe: Ukrainian Catholic University.

Winning experiences in North America: University of St. Thomas, USA.

Winning experiences in Latin America: Catholic University of Córdoba, Argentina.

Moderator: Mariano García, Uniservitate-CLAYSS.


*Clousure: Conclusions

María Rosa Tapia Coordinator of the Uniservitate Programme-CLAYSS, Argentina.

Italo Fiorin, President of the High School for Education EIS-LUMSA, Italy.

María Cinque, LUMSA, Italy.

Matthew Pink, Australian Catholic University, Australia.

María Nieves Tapia, Director, CLAYSS, Argentina.

Moderator: Andrés Peregalli, Uniservitate-CLAYSS/UCA.


Francesco Bonini

Universidad LUMSA, Italia

Richard Brosse

Porticus, Países Bajos

María Rosa Tapia

Coordinator of Uniservitate-CLAYSS

Isabel Capeloa Gil

Rector of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), President of IFCU-FIUC, Portugal

María Nieves Tapia

Director of CLAYSS

See Presentation

Carina Rossa

Universidad LUMSA, Italia

See Presentation

Daniela Gargantini

AUSJAL, Catholic University of Cordoba,, Argentina

See presentation

Fritzie Ian De Vera

De La Salle
University, Filipinas

See Presentation

Barbara MacCrabb

Catholic Conference of Bishops, EE.UU.

See Presentation

Juan José Etxeberria

Universidad de Deusto, España

Elena Auzmendi

de Deusto, España

Chantal Jouannet Valderrama

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile

See Presentation

Andrew Furco

Universidad de Minnesota , EE.UU.

Italo Fiorin

Escuela de Alta Formación EIS-LUMSA, Italia

María Cinque

Universidad LUMSA, Italia.

Matthew Pink

Australian Catholic University, Australia

See presentation

Dr. Shaji Joseph SDB

Salesian of Don Bosco

See Presentation

Dr. Jairo Humberto Cifuentes Madrid

General Secretary

See Presentation

Carmela Di Agresti


Card. José Tolentino de Mendonça

Prefecto, Dicasterio de Cultura y Educación

Mons. Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi

Secretario, Dicasterio de Cultura y Educación.

See Presentation

Vincenzo Buonomo

Rector de la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense, Roma, Italia


Enrique Ochoa

Executive Director of CLAYSS, Argentina

Arantzazu Martínez Odría

Universidad San Jorge, España

Bojana Culum

Universidad de Croacia, Croacia

Mariano García

Uniservitate-CLAYSS, Argentina

Andrés Peregalli

Uniservitate-CLAYSS/UCA, Argentina

Download e-brochure

27th – 28th October 2022

Onsite and online event





Concurrent sessions: Service-learning and Global Compact on Education

October 27

1. Dignity and human rights
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) Tangaza University College-CUEA, Kenya. b) Catholic University of Ukraine. c) KU-Leuven, Belgium. Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil. Moderator: LUMSA.

2. Fraternity and cooperation. Activity with simultaneous interpretation: ENG/SP/IT
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) University of St Thomas, USA. b) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. c) The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. Comments: specialist of the Global
Compact on Education-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy. Moderator: LUMSA.

3. Technology and integral ecology
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) Université Catholique,Afrique Centrale, Cameroun. b) LUMSA, Italy. c) Assam Don Bosco University, India. Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Pontifical Xaverian University, Colombia. Moderator: LUMSA.

4. Peace and citizenship. Activity with simultaneous interpretation: ENG/SP/IT
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) Catholic University of Ukraine. b) Pontifical Xaverian University, Colombia. c) University of Barcelona. Comments: Specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Pontifical Lateran University, Italy. Moderator: LUMSA.

5. Cultures and religions
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) Tangaza University College-CUEA, Kenya. b) Sophia University Institute, Italy. c) Fordham University, USA. Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Sophia University Institute, Italy. Sophia University Institute, Italy. Moderator: LUMSA.

6. Workshop: Service-Learning and University Social Responsibility in the Newman’s Benchmarking Framework (FIUC) International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU).

7. Meeting of Rectors and authorities (by invitation only).


1. Dignity and human rights. Activity with simultaneous interpretation: ENG/SP/IT
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) Australian Catholic University, Australia. b) University o fDeusto, Spain. c) University of Comillas, Spain. Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Silva Henríquez Catholic University (Chile). Moderator: LUMSA.

2. Fraternity and cooperation. Activity with simultaneous interpretation: ENG/SP/IT
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) University of San Jorge, Spain. b) Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal. c) Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Italy. Comments: specialist of the Global
Compact on Education-Ethiopian University (Ethiopia). Moderator: LUMSA.

3. Technology and integral ecology
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. b) Catholic University of Córdoba, Argentina. c) La Salle College of Saint Benilde, Manila, Philippines. Comments:
specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Australian Catholic University (Australia). Moderator: LUMSA.

4. Peace and citizenship
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) De Paul University, USA. b) Tangaza UniversityCollege-CUEA. Kenya. Comments: specialist of the Global Compact on Education-Boston College (USA).
Moderator: LUMSA.

5. Cultures and religions
Presentation of service-learning experiences: a) Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany. b)
University of Monterrey, Mexico. c) Bethlehem University, Palestine. Comments: specialist of the Global
Compact on Education-Sophia University Institute, Italy. Moderator: LUMSA.

6. Workshop: Itinerary of a Service-Learning Project in Catholic Higher Education.


III Global Symposium Uniservitate 27/10/2022

III Global Symposium Uniservitate 28/10/2022 – Morning

III Global Symposium Uniservitate 28/10/2022 – Afternoon



Brosse, Richard | Porticus
Tapia, María Nieves | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje Servicio Solidario – CLAYSS
Francesco Bonini | Universidad LUMSA

Cinque, María | LUMSA
Rossa, Carina |LUMSA
Tapia, María Rosa | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS

Batista, María Alejandra | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Caballero Sosa, Mónica | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Cinque, María |LUMSA
García, Mariano | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Gherlone, Laura | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Insigna, Ricardo | LUMSA
Peregalli, Andrés | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Rossa, Carina | LUMSA


Brosse, Richard | Porticus
Tapia, María Nieves | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje Servicio Solidario – CLAYSS
Francesco Bonini | Universidad LUMSA

Cinque, María | LUMSA
Rossa, Carina |LUMSA
Tapia, María Rosa | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS

Batista, María Alejandra | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Caballero Sosa, Mónica | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Cinque, María |LUMSA
García, Mariano | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Gherlone, Laura | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Insigna, Ricardo | LUMSA
Peregalli, Andrés | Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, CLAYSS
Rossa, Carina | LUMSA

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