
“One world, one health” – Service-learning project at the Margarita Barrientos Foundation


A delegation of almost fifty students, teachers and university researchers from twenty countries that are members of the Uniservitate programme from CLAYSS, visited yesterday the Margarita Barrientos Foundation in Villa Soldati as part of the activities of the XX international Week of Service-Learning (AYSS), to be held in Buenos Aires.

During the encounter in the building that once were Margarita Barrientos home, in which today they have a community kitchen and a kindergarten, in the Piletones neighbourhood, the international delegation was able to known a Service-Learning project of diseases prevention and pet care that University of Buenos Aires (UBA) has been carrying out there since 2006.

Marcela Martínez Vivot, Director of the interdisciplinary project ‘One world, one health’ and three veterinarians who learned about the proposal as students and continue today as volunteers, shared their experiences and goals with the international delegation.

For more information, link to news

Highlighted Ideas

The challenge to move beyond ourselves

See Catholic Higher Education institituions as places to learn critical thinking and social love. (Richard Brosse)

Solidarity, Fraternity and Justice

Service-learning is a springboard to ecumenical dialogue. (María Nieves Tapia)

Reaching out beyond the borders of
our colleges

Service-learning is one of the pillars of the university social responsibility (Isabel Capeloa Gil)

Uniservitate Global Network

Service Learning for Recovery of Ukraine

This panel organized by the Catholic University of Ukraine, a member of the Uniservitate CEE&ME hub, invites to reflect and discuss on these questions: Could Global interdependence and local issues in various parts of the World influence all of us? How do local service-learning projects help in solving global issues? What can Ukraine learn from the global community for the recovery programs?

Uniservitate Tour 2022

This video is a summary of the highlights of our visit to Assam Don Bosco University, Institution that integrates the Uniservitate regional hub in Asia and Oceania.

Science at the service of the community

Drinking water in rural areas by applying nanotechnology.
Assam Don Bosco University, India 

Urban and social integration

Advice to entrepreneurs in vulnerable neighbourhoods. Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA)

Students & Seniors

Telerehabilitation and service-learning. (SP) (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

Pharmacy Students & People with Disabilities

Reciprocity is the key in service-learning. (EN) (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Students & Housing

Architecture and service-learning. (SP) (Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina)

i see the light

This song is composed by Anshul Aldrin Bilung (BA Psychology, 4th Sem, Asam Don Bosco Unversity, India) for TIKA UTSAV – a four day mass vaccination programme for COVID-19 from 11-14 April 2021 by Govt. of India. The whole production of this video is done by NSS Cell, ADBU.


Africa/Uniservitate Regional Hub

LATAM/Uniservitate Regional Hub

ASIA/Uniservitate Regional Hub

Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East (CEEM) / Uniservitate Regional Hub

Western Europe South (WES)/Uniservitate Regional Hub