KUganda is an educational project of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Its aim is to enable students to come into contact with various educational contexts during their time at university in order to open their eyes for the global challenge of educational justice and to initiate cross-cultural learning. This is why students and lecturers from Eichstätt travel to Kampala year by year in order to organize workshops, develop teaching materials, try out pedagogical ideas and concepts through team-teaching, and target fund-raising for books and teaching aids.
Beyond the projects at different schools, we have established an educational radio station, “Radio Hope Kampala”, in cooperation with the Bavarian Radio, represented by Prof. Dr. Dr. Spanner-Ulmer, who took up the patronage of our project. With this radio station, we want to reach families that live far away from schools and therefore often not able to read and write. Furthermore, together with SES and Online Congress, we are working on the possibility of continuous exchange between all partners, which we want to achieve by a satellite-based interactive live collaboration platform.
Eichstätt idea of education is based on the Christian conception of the human being and, therefore, aims to create learning arrangements that value each student as an individual. The project aim lies in teacher training and development, and so it promotes:
Building intercultural cooperative partnerships and global networking of educational institutions.
Providing internships to exchange between different teaching realities.
Exchanging teaching methods and conceptions, thus fostering creativity in teaching and encouraging students to take over responsibility.
KUganda complies with the University principle of sustainability, and its members are considered partners in an active dialogue in the global educational processes. Learning to handle completely-new classroom situations and cultural challenges greatly benefit our students who, in their role as teachers, have to reconsider their teaching methods and thus can also learn to face the different challenges that everyday teaching poses.
Our students have the opportunity to get to know the school from a completely different perspective, in different conditions. They were able to experience on-site that, without sufficiently qualified teachers, it is difficult for students to achieve greater development. But students from the university are not the only ones who benefit from cooperation. Our goal is to work together with professors and training teachers from our university and with teachers from Uganda to develop concepts that take into account the educational context of each place. (Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien, President, KU).
- Name: KUganda
- Region: Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East
- Country: Germany
- State/Department: Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- University: Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- Area or School involved: Institutional project
- Place of implementation: Kampala, Uganda
- Partner organization: St. James Primary School
- Start date of experience: 2015
- Responsible for the experience: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kropac, Dr. Daniele Franc, Prof. Dr. Katharina Zöpfel
- Contact Mail/Web: http://pceuganda.org/
- Keywords: educational justice, educational radio, intercultural learning, teacher training