University of Kisubi (UniK) is a private University owned by the Registered Trustees of the Uganda Brothers of Christian Instruction. It traces its origin from a collaboration between the St. Teresa of the Child Jesus Province (Uganda) – that is, the Uganda Province of the Brothers of Christian Instruction – and Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) that culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two organisations on the 15th August 2004, which happens to be the Patronal Feast Day of the Brothers of Christian Instruction worldwide. From this MoU was born Kisubi Brothers Centre of Uganda Martyrs University (KBUMU), the precursor to Kisubi Brothers University College (KBUC), before being elevated to a full University status to become University of Kisubi (UniK) on 29th June 2015. 

From its very inception, UniK’s philosophy of education is one that hinges on integral education; an education that nurtures and empowers and transforms the ‘whole’ person in his or her entirety and totality. This, precisely, became its original motto: For Holistic Education. To translate this into actuality, the integral or holistic nature of education that UniK and its predecessors set out to offer to the public, to distinguish itself from its peers, included disciplines and content in its curriculum that were carefully selected to inculcate the requisite skills, attitudes, knowledge and values in each and everyone of its graduates.  

These were thoughtfully encompassed in a special package of the curriculum that is popularly known as interdisciplinary studies (a kind of re-naming of its original core courses), whose main purpose is to equip UniK’s graduates with as many soft skills of day-today life as possible and necessary to guarantee the graduates’ survival in this ‘hostile’ competitive world, long beyond their time in school. In doing this, the University was intent, from its very beginning, to domesticate and make its own one of the key pillars of the Brothers’ philosophy of education underpinned by what the members of the Mennaisian family fondly refer to as the Mennaisian Pedagogy, namely: educating the heart, the hands and the head. 


University of Kisubi photo

Supported institutions in the Region