Members of the Uniservitate global community reunited in Hong Kong as panellists, presenters, moderators and participants at the 2024 IARSLCE Asia-Pacific Conference (APC) X International Conference on Service-Learning (ICSL) in Hong Kong from 3-6 December.
Uniservitate Asia-Oceania regional hub hosted a panel on spirituality and service-learning which, moderated by Romina Abuan, De La Salle University (Philippines), and panellists included Sharon Valarmathi from Christ University (India), Niku Vicente from De La Salle University (Philippines) and Jen Azordegan from Australian Catholic University (Australia). “There was a lot of interest in exploring this topic and learning more about the relationship between spirituality and service-learning,” said Romina.

Jimi Caldea (DLSU), Luísa Mota Ribeiro (UCP), Mathew Pink (ACU), and Romina Abuan (DLSU)
at the IARSLCE Asia-Pacific Conference.
Jimi Caldea, coordinator of the Uniservitate Asia and Oceania Regional Hub, expounded on the challenges and opportunities of networks and collaborations based on the experience of Uniservitate.
In a pre-conference session held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Andrew Furco, from the University of Minnesota and a member of the Uniservitate Academic Sounding Board, led activities to identify topics and questions that will guide the region’s research agenda on service-learning in the immediate future.