Our SSL programme in Catholic Higher Education organizes the Symposium on the 7th and 8th November in Rome, Italy.
The Uniservitate coordination team in Buenos Aires and LUMSA University are putting the finishing touches on the V Global Symposium held at the Italian university on 7th and 8th November 2024.
Service-Learning: Transforming Higher Education from Within is the general topic focusing especially on spirituality and the institutionalization of solidarity service learning. In addition, cross-cutting themes in the workshops presenting the ongoing experiences are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by UNESCO and the Global Compact on Education proposed by Pope Francis.
The winners of the Uniservitate Award 2024 — two for each of the seven regions where the Programme is organized— will present their initiatives during the Symposium.
The event already has its own space on the Uniservitate website, where the planned activities and contents will be updated.
For more information you can visit V Uniservitate Global Symposium
and follow us on social media @uniservitate.