Praying Together at Uniservitate

The Uniservitate community gathered in prayer once more on the first Thursdays of June and July. Since January, The Uniservitate World Prayer is a monthly celebration, with a different university leading each session.

In June, the service-learning team of the University of Kisubi in Uganda focused on a group of 23 Uganda martyrs commemorated on 3rd June, a few days before the prayer. Illustrated with images of their canonization ceremony, the team introduced and prayed for the martyrs. Martin Luke Ssenyange Zziwa, Maggie Ssebunya, Jessica Sanyu, Angella Nalwanga and Bernard Luwerekera contributed to the reflections.

In July, the De La Salle University (DLSU) team from Manila, Philippines, hosted the prayer. Niku Vicente and Fritzie De Vera led the different moments with kindness and compassion, praying for peace, respect, and love, following the teachings of leaders of various religions. They quoted the expressions from Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism and Christianity, which promote not doing to others what we do not want them to do to us. Music enhanced the beginning and the end of the experience: at the beginning, the DLSU choir performed a prayer, while the Philippine singer Gary Valenciano, DLSU alumnus, passionately performed the closing song “We Have Won”. The inspiring lyrics affirms to us all that we can make each other and move forward together because even if we only light up one soul, we have won.

The Uniservitate World Prayer is open to all higher education institutions. To participate, you just need to complete a simple form to register in advance.

The schedule of the World Prayer until October is as follows: 5th September (Australian Catholic University) and 3rd October (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador).

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