Digital Space Uniservitate Memberships

Higher education institutions that join the Uniservitate Membership programme gain access to an exclusive digital space on its website designed to contact and strengthen links with peers and other universities committed to establishing or reinforcing their service-learning practices.

This space offers benefits like becoming part of the Uniservitate global network and the community of education scholars and service-learning researchers. In addition, you can apply to the Uniservitate Award and Small Research Funds and participate in the Uniservitate Global Symposium and other exclusive regional and global meetings.

Using the same password, you can access digital training resources in different formats and languages alongside self-assisted online courses. The course “Transformative education: the service-learning proposal” is currently available, with “Transformation plan. Keys to design service-learning projects” coming soon. You can also stay informed with the newsletter and receive regular updates on the Uniservitate community. It is in continuous dialogue with presentations and debates held at the annual Global Symposiums and provides valuable insights to foster deeper analysis of educational practices through the service-learning lens.

Please note that the Membership is free of charge to institutions and valid for one year, but its renewal can be requested upon expiry. This initiative was a recent addition to the Uniservitate global network, which provides technical, academic and financial assistance to Catholic higher education institutions, supporting them in the service-learning institutionalization process.


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