The Uniservitate programme calls on Catholic, or Catholic-inspired, Higher Education Institutions to become members of its global network and access training resources, global and regional activities, research scholarships, awards and other benefits linked to solidarity service-learning.
The Uniservitate Programme aims to generate a systemic change in Catholic Higher Education Institutions through the institutionalization of Service-Learning (SL) as a tool to fulfill their mission of an integral education, to generate agents for social change who critically engage for a better society according to the social teaching of the Church.
We understand networking as a strategy for systemic change. The encounter between educators and students who develop service-learning projects strengthens their practices. The encounter between institutions that promote, implement and systematize it generates stronger institutions. And the exchange between all of them, at a local and global level, generates impacts at the level of public policy and systems. This critical mass generates and sustains systemic change.
The Uniservitate global network is present on all five continents through seven regional hubs that support more than thirty universities that during the first stage of the program (2020-2022) were incorporated as accompanied institutions, a condition that implies technical and academic assistance and economic support.
The new Memberships project adds to this structure to expand the scope of the program. It does not imply any cost for the institutions, it lasts one year – at the end of which its renewal can be requested – and includes benefits and services such as the following:
- Belonging to a global network and learning community of SL practitioners and researchers
- Access to online training resources
- Self managed courses on SL: basic concepts and steps to develop SL projects (5 users for the virtual training platform).
- Digital resources developed by the Uniservitate Community Members in different formats and languages.
- Participation in the Uniservitate Award (2024). Global recognition for the best “Solidarity Service-Learning Experiences (AYSS) in Catholic Higher Education”. It is awarded by regions to initiatives that demonstrate effective contributions to the solution of socio-environmental problems, identified and addressed with organizations and community members; with active participation of students and a clear articulation between service and educational planning.
- Participation in the call for Small Research Grants (2025). Through its regional hubs and the intervention of a scientific committee, Uniservitate grants small research funds for projects on specific service-learning topics. Service-learning can make a specific pedagogical contribution to Catholic universities, helping them articulate their social reach and spiritual identity with academic activities, offering innovative ways to achieve an education that unites “hands, head and heart,” as demonstrated by research and experiences developed by Catholic Higher Education Institutions.
- Preferred registration to Global Uniservitate Symposia (October 2024 in Rome onsite and online). Possibility of applying for posters and participating in round tables with limited spaces.
- Exclusive Global and Regional Meetings
- Meetings among CHEI Authorities and Community Engagement Leaders
- Twin projects: bi & multilateral joint SL initiatives with colleagues from all around the world to share experiences and resources.
- Bi-monthly newsletter
- Possibility of applying to become an “accompanied institution” by Uniservitate
To apply for the Memberships project, the interested institution must complete a form with basic data and information about its experience or interest in solidarity service-learning and send a formal letter of commitment signed by the Rector or the designated authority.
Each application must also have the formal acceptance of the institutions of the corresponding region that, as regional hubs, already integrate Uniservitate.
Once accepted as members, institutions will only be asked to:
- Include the “Uniservitate Member” logo on the institution’s website, linked to the Uniservitate website.
- At the end of the year, complete a brief form detailing the activities developed within the framework of the Uniservitate Membership program and its impact on the institutionalization of service-learning.
Applications for Memberships will be received until 31st May and confirmations of acceptance for the new “members” will continue until June 2024.
More information can be requested from