The official regional launch of the service-learning programme of Assam Don Bosco University (India), recently integrated into the global network of Uniservitate in Asia, took place last September 15th.
The online meeting, brought together more than 400 attendees including directors, teachers and students of the institution, representatives of De La Salle University (Philippines), regional hub of Uniservitate in Asia and Oceania, and representatives of the Uniservitate Programme (Argentina).
The event was an opportunity to reflect on the contributions and significance of service-learning pedagogy in higher education.
It was also an opportunity to share and show the experiences and work done in the field of service-learning by the organising University.
The event was also an invitation to strengthen all actions that respond to the call of Pope Francis:
“…ofering students the oportunity to involve head, hands and jearts, in adressing the challenges and problems presented by contemporary societies”.
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